It's the year of education y'all!! And on this stop on the train-of-learnin', I ventured through Arizona, met 16 amazing photographers and hugged on two of my FAVORITE photogs in the industry, Amy and Jordan!  Scottsdale, you were hottsdale (over 100 degrees and had the back sweat to prove it), but your light was the most gorgeous I had ever seen.  Can't wait to share the photos from our styled shoot in the desert....but for now.. a little recap!

When I say that these two truly pour their heart and soul into what they do, it is no understatement.  I don't think you can stand to talk and educate for two  full ten hour days (not including all the prep work I'm sure there is), if you do not have an authentic passion for it. 

I originally found Amy and Jordan through their blog, and instantly felt a connection to their happy spirit. There's just something so wonderful about reading through blog posts and being able to feel the happiness shine through - and it was certainly no different in person.  If anything, they were even MORE delightful in person because you got to experience them in 3D,  in all of their smiley, happy glory.

Day one consisted of a full overview of all things photography, from getting perfect exposure in camera, to posing couples in a seamless and natural way (please do not reference the below photo as an example... Just Jordan being Jordan..:)  )

There is also a gorgeous styled shoot at the end of the day, that allows you to apply what you have learned that entire day, in a real life situation!  

Our styled shoot  started indoors, with a variety of stations, so we were all able to have the same amount of time to shoot in smaller groups. 


Here's Amy demonstrating how she styles details to get the most bang for your buck in the shortest amount of time!  Because let's face it, time is valuable on a wedding day!

After we hit all of the stations, we ventured outside for the stunning  sunset shoot in a beautiful park in the desert! I had never seen light quite this golden, and I wish Florida's sunsets were a  little more like this! Absolutely GORGEOUS. 

Here's a quick sneak of our couple...:) I don't want to share too much though because that blog post is coming soon!! 

The day wouldn't be complete without a snapchat selfie! 

After an exhausting but wonderful day, it was off to bed to get rested up for day 2 - all about the business! 

This day was full of topics like pricing, educating your couples, marketing to find your ideal client, and more. 

may workshop day two-10.jpg

It was also headshot day! Woooooo!

This trip meant so much to me.  I can only hope to pour back into aspiring photographers one day, the same way people like Amy and Jordan have done for me.  Not only was all of this so beneficial for my business, it was also incredibly eye-opening for my personal life. If anyone has ever wondered if true love exists, all it would take is a few moments as witness to these two for you to be a believer.  
